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导读:现南山中英文协同港籍学生班开放2024学年春季插班生入学申请。Application for NCIC Concordia HKDSE Division in Year 2024.一、申请方式:The Application扫码线上报名,每位申请人只限提交一次申请。Scan the QR code for NCIC Concordia HKDSE Division admissions ONLY.


Application for NCIC Concordia HKDSE Division in Year 2024.

一、申请方式:The Application


Scan the QR code for NCIC Concordia HKDSE Division admissions ONLY.

Please submit ONE application per child.

二、基本信息: Basic Information

1.申请日期:Application Period


1 December,2023 to 13 December,2023

2.考试日期:Entrance exam Dates

2023年12月16日 16 December,2023

学生及家长需在考试前半小时到校签到。Students and parents are required to sign in half an hour before the entrance exam.

3.面试日期:Interview Dates

2023年12月21日、12月22日 21 December,2023,22 December,2023

4.结果公布时间:Announcement of Results

2023年12月27日 27 December,2023

5.入学时间:Time of Enrollment

2024年2月21日 21 February,2024

三、提交材料验核:Submit the required documents

submit the required documents

submit the required documents

submit the required documents

submit the required documents


A. 学生近照四张

B. 如果学生是香港身份需要提供:香港身份证、回乡证、护照(复印件)

C. 如果学生是外籍身份需要提供:护照(复印件)

D. 学生两年内的成绩表副本(复印件)(可于面试当日补交)

E. 父母双方身份证件(复印件)

F. 最多4项课外活动、服务及其他特别才艺之文凭/证书、奖状副本(如有)


Parents or guardians should ensure that all information provided is accurate and complete. Please be reminded to submit the required documents listed as follows:

A. Four recent photos of student

B. If you’re the Hong Kong resident students:You need to provide HKID card/ Mainland Travel Permit/Passport(Photocopies)

C. If you’re the Foreign resident students:You need to provide Passport(Photocopies)

D.The photocopies of the academic reports photocopies during the recently two years (can be submitted on the day of interview)

E. Parents' ID card/HKID card/ Mainland Travel Permit/Passport(Photocopies)

F. At most 4 diplomas/certificates of special skills and achievement awards(if any)

★ All personal data provided will be treated in strict confidentiality and used for admission-related purpose by the school only.Information will be destroyed once the admission procedure is completed.

四、收生评估标准:Adimission Criteria


Performance in admission exams (The student who didn’t pass the exam, we will not arrange a family interview for him.)

B.家庭面试表现 Performance in family interview

C.课外活动的参与及社区服务 Extra-curricular activities participation and community services

五、申请结果:Adimission Results

录取结果将通过邮件的方式公布,一经录取,家长必须于指定时间内进行学位注册缴费,否则将视作放弃学位。The results of NCIC Concordia HKDSE Division in 2024-2025 will be released by email.Parents of successful applicants are required to pay the tuition fee by the due date.Applicants who fail to do will forfeit the place offered.


